The existing website for Adreno is designed using basic HTML and while the information used is all pretty accurate, the User Interface itself is constricted and hard to navigate. This redesigned version of Adreno was made to provide the website with a more minimal-looking, easy-to-use interface.
I redesigned the interface in order to make it more user friendly.
The key goal was to improve the interface design using the existing information.
1. Home Page:
I implemented a carousel that lets the user know about all the activities that are offered by the company. It also provides an option to learn more about each activity via a clear Call To Action button.
2. The Contact Us Page:
The existing Contact Us Page is very sparse and it only provides an address and a phone number as contact information. It Is my opinion that allowing the users to drop their queries via email would be organized and would provide an easier method of communication between potential clients and the company.